Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Year Resolutions, Anyone?

It's become normal parlance to ask people their new year's resolutions.
The question then arises, should we make some only to be broken later, or just procrastinate till we are more sure about making up our minds.

There are 4 key areas in which making new year resolutions would really makes world of difference .

Number 1
This one is crucial, ignore this one and you won't be around to find out the repercussions.
Keeping the weight in check.
Getting a good nights sleep, monitoring stress levels and then doing something about releasing or channeling  it, not paying importance to the above can lead you closer to disease or death.

Number 2
Spiritual Health
Lot of us believe this is humbug and much ado about nothing.
But it's proven that faith can make life better and help us in staying grounded. It also equips us with coping skills to handle success and failures that come our way.

Number 3
This is one odd love-hate relationship. As they say, we love to hate them. And hate that we love them.
No one can press your buttons like family can. Parents and siblings have the unique power to bring out all the childhood and teenage angst ( if you were one of the luckier ones who never experienced any childhood or teenage woes , well then, that's good for you!) Family knows! And they'll insist in reminding you of all the embarrassing growing up moments, you rather forget. At the same time no one can support you like your family can. Through thick and thin is the statement that comes to mind when you think of family.
They keep you humble and rooted with honest criticism and they have your back.
Smart people will keep this bunch happy. Without them you are alone. The rest of the world might never know the real you. But your family will.
So whoever falls in your family. It could be friends you grew up with, neighbors, uncle's and aunts, cousins, whoever you consider as your family; is people you want to nurture. They form your core support group. And no one messes with that but you!
Hopefully not, like I said earlier , smart people keep their core support group safe. Because its ultimately all about loving your family.

Number 4
And finally, something worthwhile to do. We all need someway to contribute. If your lucky to contribute through your chosen profession, if what you do is what you love. Then your already on track.
But if what you do, is not what you love and you are not contributing in some way to make this planet better. Then ennui is going to set in. You will feel lost, and dissatisfied. The only way to escape this is to balance it with something which makes you feel, that you as an individual is making a positive difference.
 It is then crucial that you find a hobby or some passion in life. Something which makes you feel you are adding value to the planet. Doing what you love is making time to be you.

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous year ahead!